Lurgan Rugby Football & Cricket Club Volunteer Policy
The aim of this policy is to provide a structure to support all volunteers within Lurgan Rugby Football & Cricket Club
Policy Statement
Lurgan Rugby Football & Cricket Club involves volunteers in a variety of ways, and recognise that their input, experience and support greatly enhances the functioning and success of the Club.
In accordance with the Club’s Equality Policy, Lurgan Rugby Football & Cricket Club have a commitment to ensure that the recruitment and selection of volunteers is carried out in a fair and open manner, and adheres to equal opportunity at all times.
Lurgan Rugby Football & Cricket Club also recognises that the time and effort offered by volunteers does not replace the roles and work of paid staff members, and that guidance and supervision is important to ensure their experiences are positive.
Lurgan Rugby Football & Cricket Club is committed to diversity in all areas of its work, and will seek to recruit volunteers that reflect the diversity of the local community. The Club implements a fair, effective and open system in the recruitment and selection of volunteers, and treats all information collected in the process confidentially. Recruitment methods include, but are not limited:
- By word of mouth through existing Club volunteers
- Use of the Club website and social media pages
- Via local advertisements as Club finances allows (e.g. using posters, distribution of leaflets, adverts in local newspapers etc.)
Selection Process
Upon receipt of an application or note of interest, an official from the Club will meet with the volunteer, discuss their application and provide further information on what the role involves. The person will have the opportunity to ask any questions they have regarding the role. This process will aid in ascertaining if the role available is appropriate for this individual.
If the application is successful, a written Role Descriptions should be provided and a volunteer agreement should be signed which sets out the expectations of the Club in the volunteer, and the responsibility of the Club to the volunteer in fulfilling their role.
Some volunteer roles will only be undertaken subject to the candidate’s successful application of a police check in relation to their engagement with any vulnerable groups (e.g. children, young people or vulnerable adults). The final decision on whether or not the person should be involved with the Club is responsibility of Lurgan Rugby Football & Cricket Club.
Volunteer Agreement & Role Descriptions
The Volunteer Agreement will describe the arrangement between Lurgan Rugby Football & Cricket Club and the volunteer. The purpose of this Agreement is to assure the volunteer of the appreciation of their commitment to the Club, and to ensuring their experiences are both enjoyable and rewarding.
Like any paid staff, volunteers will be provided with a clear and accurate description of the tasks and responsibilities they are expected to undertake. Prior to any volunteer assignment or recruitment effort, a Role Description should be developed for each voluntary opportunity and provided to the volunteer ahead of commencing the role.
Supervision and on-going support
Induction at an appropriate level for each of the volunteer roles will be given, along with any necessary training. Volunteers will also be made aware of any external training opportunities which may be open to them which are of relevance to their role.
Support and supervision as appropriate to the role will also be given. A named person will be identified prior to recruitment for the role in relation to this supervision, which may be via telephone, email or on a face to face basis. This support focuses on the practical and emotional needs of the volunteers, as well as any issues related to accountability.
Volunteer Information meetings may also be arranged as and when it is felt they would be beneficial to volunteers.
Volunteer Participation
Volunteers will be encouraged to participate in wider aspects of the Club. This is to:
- Promote a sense of ownership and belonging for volunteers
- Ensure that policies and procedures reflect the views and experience of those who are involved
- Ensure that volunteers have the chance to make a positive contribution to Lurgan Rugby Football & Cricket Club and develop new skills
- Ensure the work of volunteers complements that f any paid staff
Possible areas of participation include:
- Coaching
- Assisting in the collation and dissemination of information
- Promotion of the Club within the wider community
- Recruitment of other volunteers
- Supporting Club activities
- Photography
- Data Management
- Fundraising including grant applications
- Event organisation and management
- Matchday activities
- Marketing and publicity
Lurgan Rugby Football & Cricket Club will on an occasional basis conduct an evaluation to monitor the opinions of the Club’s volunteers. This survey will evaluate the extent to which a volunteer believes their contribution is recognised and is a positive experience.
To ensure volunteering is accessible to all, Lurgan Rugby Football & Cricket Club aspires to reimburse volunteers for travel expenses. This will normally be public transport costs or a mileage allowance. Other reasonable out of pocket expenses may also be reimbursed if previously agreed.
Volunteer Recognition
The Club will reward volunteers in a variety of ways as appropriate:
- Provision of Club kit
- Payment of fees for relevant coaching and training courses
- An annual awards dinner which recognises the contribution of volunteers
- Invitation to Club lunches and dinners
All volunteers are covered by Lurgan Rugby Football & Cricket Club insurance whilst engaged in their agreed roles. It is the responsibility of the volunteer to inform their motor insurance company if they are using their car during their volunteering role.
Health & Safety
Volunteers will be made aware of Lurgan Rugby Football & Cricket Club Health & Safety Policy and will be given relevant information and/or training on this as appropriate to their role.
Grievance & Disciplinary
A copy of Lurgan Rugby Football & Cricket Club grievance and disciplinary policy is available on request.
Complaints Policy
A copy of Lurgan Rugby Football & Cricket Club complaints policy is available on request